Visuel Project is a Production House company in Bandung, West Java. Established on October 10, 2016, Visuel Project has grown over time to meet client needs based on the goals we build in each project. Visuel Project places a position with a focus on the process of creating works from each product that we work on. Visuel Project focuses on developing the potential and innovation of each person in creating works.

In the development of the company’s strategy, Visuel Project has made efforts to develop disciplines in creating a masterpiece such as listening, understanding, and creating.

Visuel Project always provides insight to clients, what they want and need to fulfill their needs. Because every person in it takes part in creating a work so that it is aligned with the wishes of the client and gives satisfaction.

Therefore, Visuel Project is always committed to providing the best service to each of its clients, both intangible and tangible.

The work together with the various potentials possessed by everyone provides improvisation of different innovations in each work produced, which will be able to inspire many people.
Jl. Capitol Dago Valley No.7
Dago Pojok
Kecamatan Coblong,
Kota Bandung
Jawa Barat 40114
New Zealand Couple Session
Nepal Couple Session
Bali Wedding Day
Lombok Couple Session
Australia Couple Session


A moment, however small,defines an expression.